For Your Consideration, A Comparison by Peter Cusack

With time as both the distance between these two artists and an essential medium in their work, both Albert Pinkham Ryder and Sean Noonan explore shape, color, composition, surface, and the magical, mysterious metaphor of sailing and the sea.

Sean Noonan, Regatta

Sean Noonan, Regatta

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Marine

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Marine

Sean Noonan,  Familiar Tune

Sean Noonan, Familiar Tune

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Toiler

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Toiler

Sean Noonan, Calm Grays

Sean Noonan, Calm Grays

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Under

Albert Pinkham Ryder, Under

Sean Noonan, Esopus Lighthouse

Sean Noonan, Esopus Lighthouse


Connection to Place: The Work of Eric Aho and Brece Honeycutt by KK Kozik


Drawing Plants & Mindfulness by Ruth Rosengarten